Imagination, intelligence and wonder

Imagination, intelligence and wonder

Imagination, intelligence and wonder


Today, we continue our series on the essential values demonstrated in Le Petit Prince by taking a closer look at education and literacy.

In the first pages of the novella, the narrator describes a childhood memory of reading a book called, "True Stories," that formed his understanding of imagination, intelligence and wonder. True to this spirit, the Little Prince is often used as a tool in classrooms teaching French as a foreign language to introduce students to Francophone fiction and literature. For many young adults, it is a bridge from lessons of grammar and vocabulary into critical thinking and reading.

Additionally, the Fondation Antoine de Saint-Exupéry pour la Jeunesse carries out–in the name and the spirit of the French author and aviator–various projects around the world to improve the everyday lives of youth, often through avenues of education, creativity or writing.


Release date: February 22, 2023

Format(s): Photos


Featured in: The Little Prince


Release date: February 22, 2023

Format(s): Photos


Featured in: The Little Prince

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