Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [Mar. 22, 2023]

Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [Mar. 22, 2023]

Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [Mar. 22, 2023]

Seminar on the Global Gateway strategy (Mar. 23, 2023)

On the initiative of M. Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, and Mme Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Minister of State for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, several hundred French companies will gather in Paris on March 23, 2023 for a presentation of the opportunities provided by the European Global Gateway strategy. The Ministers wanted to encourage the French private sector to get involved in this strategy, launched in 2021 by the European Commission and speeded up under the French presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The aim of Global Gateway is to contribute to local development in the partner countries, in conjunction with the private sector, to speed up the digital, energy and ecological transition, in line with the needs expressed by the countries concerned. The investment envisaged, in public and private funds, aims to finance high-quality sustainable infrastructure, particularly in Africa.

The meeting will enable the participating companies to seize these opportunities in a practical way by talking directly to the European Commission and the teams which can support them on these projects. This is the first seminar targeting the private sector and focusing on this initiative to be organized by a Member State.

Development – Plenary session of the National Council for Development and International Solidarity – CNDSI (Mar. 21, 2023)

The National Council for Development and International Solidarity (CNDSI) met in plenary session on 21 March 2023 under the presidency of Mme Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, Minister of State for Development, Francophonie and International Partnerships, attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs. The CNDSI is the special forum for consultation between the main development stakeholders and the State on the objectives, guidelines and resources of development policy based on solidarity and combating global inequalities.

In this first plenary session of 2023, the Minister of State presented to the members of the CNDSI the highlights of the year in terms of international partnerships, and listened to their contributions with regard to preparations for the Presidential Council for Development, the Interministerial Committee for International Cooperation and Development (CICID) and the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact in June 2023. She also reviewed the main features of the new partnership with the countries of the African continent which President Macron set out at the end of February during his recent visit to Central Africa. She emphasized the key role of civil society in implementing this new partnership.

With regard to Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSER), the Minister of State called for work as “Team France” and at European level to promote exemplary standards that are harmonized across Europe.

Israel/Palestinian Territories – Settlement activity (Mar. 21, 2023)

The Knesset has adopted a partial repeal of the so-called Disengagement Law of 2005, paving the way for Israeli settlers to move into the north of the occupied West Bank, including onto private Palestinian land in Homesh.

France strongly condemns this decision, which is contrary to international law, fraught with consequences and can only inflame tensions, as well as being contrary to the commitments made by Israel barely a few days earlier at the Sharm El Sheikh meeting. It urges the Israeli authorities to reverse the decision.

At a time of great tension and in the run-up to the religious holidays, France once again calls on the Israeli Government to end unilateral measures and honour the commitments made in Aqaba and Sharm El Sheikh. This process must be capable of leading to the restoration of a credible political outlook for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with a view to two States living side by side in peace and security.

Russia – Searches targeting the organization Memorial (Mar. 21, 2023)

France denounces the new pressure being exerted by the Russian authorities on the organization Memorial, joint winner of the 2022 Nobel Peace Prize. On March 21, Memorial’s long-standing premises and the homes of several of its leaders and their family members, absurdly accused by the authorities of “rehabilitating Nazism”, were searched. They were also questioned by the Russian authorities.

This campaign of intimidation follows the searches targeting Memorial’s regional branch in Perm from March 11 to 13. The measures come in the general context of the crackdown on Russian civil society organizations and of Russia’s exploitation of the history of the Second World War and the Soviet period to justify its war of aggression against Ukraine.

France has repeatedly paid tribute to Memorial’s efforts. Its outstanding scientific work to promote better awareness of the mass crimes of the 20th century by collecting archives, testimony and studies by historians is an essential contribution to contemporary history, to the rehabilitation of the victims of repression and, more broadly, to collective memory. It is essential to preserve this organization, which is unique in its scope and its work of historical research into past tragedies, access to Russian historical heritage, European collective memory and the defence of human rights.

Israel/Palestinian Territories

Yesterday you described Mr Smotrich’s remarks in Paris as shameful and irresponsible. On his desk was a map of the region that has sparked controversy. Do you have any reaction on this point?

It was an additional provocation.

France reiterates its commitment to the internationally-recognized borders of Jordan and to the solution of two States living side by side in peace and security within secure and recognized borders.

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