Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [May 2, 2024]

Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [May 2, 2024]

Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [May 2, 2024]

France deplores violence against demonstrators (May 2, 2024)

France is following the situation in Georgia with concern. It condemns the violence and calls on the Georgian authorities to respect the right to peaceful demonstration and press freedom.

France reiterates its deep concern about the “transparency of foreign influence” bill, of which the Georgian Parliament approved a second reading on May 1. This initiative is at odds with the values on which the European Union was founded and to which the Georgian people have shown they are deeply committed. It aims to discredit NGOs and the independent media, whose role is essential to democracy and Georgia’s path towards the EU.

France calls on the Georgian authorities to focus on immediately implementing all the measures necessary for fulfilling Georgia’s European aspirations, particularly as regards the rule of law and protection of the civic space. France stands alongside Georgia as it proceeds along this demanding path and, in this respect, deplores the accusations of interference levelled at the European Union.

Escalation in North Darfur (May 2, 2024)

France is extremely concerned about the serious increase in tensions around the city of Al-Fashir, North Darfur.

The military operations that are underway directly threaten the lives of the hundreds of thousands of civilians who took refuge in Al-Fashir, exacerbating the already tragic humanitarian situation in the region and preventing the delivery of the humanitarian supplies that were mobilized by the international community at the International Humanitarian Conference for Sudan and its Neighbors, which was held on April 15, 2024.

France calls on all the parties to the conflict to put an end to the escalation in North Darfur, immediately end hostilities throughout the country, and abide by their commitments to guarantee that civilians are protected and that humanitarian aid is delivered, in accordance with their obligations under international humanitarian law.

The parties must urgently engage in good faith in the conflict resolution process by returning to the negotiating table and supporting the international and regional peace initiatives that aim to bring the conflict to a peaceful resolution, as was expressed in the declaration of principles adopted in Paris on April 15, 2024.

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