58th Anniversary of the Maîtres Cuisiniers de France (MCF) USA-Canada Delegation General Assembly in Washington, D.C.

58th Anniversary of the Maîtres Cuisiniers de France (MCF) USA-Canada Delegation General Assembly in Washington, D.C.

58th Anniversary of the Maîtres Cuisiniers de France (MCF) USA-Canada Delegation General Assembly in Washington, D.C.


Ambassador of France to the U.S., Laurent Bili, bestowed the medal of Officer of the Order of Agricultural Merit to Chef Jean-Louis Dumonet, Chef Gérard Bertholon, and Chef Claude Godard. Additionally, the medal of Chevalier of the Order of Agricultural Merit was awarded to Mrs. Karen Dumonet, Mr. Jean-Luc Brigand, Chef Hugues Cossard, Chef Jean-Pierre Guillaud, Chef Eric Barale, and Chef Olivier de Saint-Martin. Chef/Owner of The Inn at Little Washington, Patrick O'Connell, also received a Maître Cuisinier de France diploma and an "Honoris Causa" medal. The Maîtres’ motto is "to preserve and spread the French culinary arts, encourage training in cuisine, and assist professional development." The group strives to maintain a high level of excellence and meets annually to "discuss new techniques and issues of their profession." Learn more about their work here: mcf-usa.com/about/


Release date: September 15, 2024

Format(s): Photos
Credit: Emilie Nguyen / Press and Communication Office / Embassy of France in the U.S.


Release date: September 15, 2024

Format(s): Photos
Credit: Emilie Nguyen / Press and Communication Office / Embassy of France in the U.S.

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