Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [July 12, 2024]

Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [July 12, 2024]

Statements made by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs Spokesperson [July 12, 2024]


Release date: July 12, 2024

Format(s): E-doc


Release date: July 12, 2024

Format(s): E-doc

Sentencing of human rights defender Oleg Orlov (July 12, 2024)

France was outraged to learn that the Russian human rights defender Oleg Orlov’s two-and-a-half year prison sentence was upheld, following a trial in which the rights of the defense were systematically flouted.

This decision is all the more troubling as Mr. Orlov is in poor health and has been subjected to ill-treatment since his initial trial.

France condemns this latest example of Russia’s authoritarian excesses and calls on the Russian authorities to release all political prisoners immediately and unconditionally.

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