No, you aren’t seeing double…

No, you aren’t seeing double…

No, you aren’t seeing double…


A second #EiffelTower has been standing guard over the Champs de Mars in Paris since April 1st (and that's NOT a Poisson d'Avril). The replica, called Eiffela, was installed shortly after the original Dame de Fer's 134th birthday.

The structure is 32 meters high (105ft) and weighs in at 23 tons. It was designed by Philippe Maindron and has participated in many festivals.

The "mini me" says, "ok, let's go," today after a short but well-documented visit!
Watch a video of "Eiffela: The New Baby Eiffel Tower," courtesy of ConnelyCove.


Release date: April 10, 2023

Format(s): Photos
Credit: Agence France Presse

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Release date: April 10, 2023

Format(s): Photos
Credit: Agence France Presse

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